Penanggulangan Kanker Terpadu Paripurna PKTP 2012 Bali

Dolanan and Choir of elementary school SD 3 Peliatan.
Performed in “Lomba Penanggulangan Kanker Terpadu Paripurna” (Plenary Integrated Cancer Prevention Contest), Bali Province 2012.

This event is to introduce the causes of cancer from the early ages. One of them is smoking cigarette (lung cancer). This performance is done once campaigned to children to aware from the dangers of smoking, secondhand smoke, as the number of children smokers in Bali is growing fast.

Their performances in this event were divided into two sections, the Dolanan and Choir. “Dolanan” is a children dance that combines the elements of dancing, children folk songs, and folk games in Balinese. Through this Dolanan the aim, the theme of no smoking will be easily understood by the children.

Penanggulangan Kanker Terpadu Paripurna PKTP 2012 Bali

I am very pleased with their performances, they were so freely expressed the dialogue, some in a humors with some message of the dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke. The Dolanan dialogue was written by a young talented artist from Teges Kanginan Peliatan, Kertayasa Boborai, in collaboration with me as music and gamelan arranger and Mayumi Inouye, the choreographer.

Penanggulangan Kanker Terpadu Paripurna PKTP 2012 Bali

Besides Dolanan also performed the Choir also by students, with a new song with tittles “Bersih dan Sehat Tanpa Asap Rokok” (Clean and Healthy, No-Smoking). To better understand the messages conveyed through this song, some body language, simple gesture and dance were choreographed.

The song:
“Bersih Dan Sehat Tanpa Asap Rokok”

Composer: Kadek Ferry
Music Arrangement (Piano & Gamelan): Kadek Ferry
Choreographer: Mayumi Inouye

Choir Group: Students of SD 3 Peliatan
Gamelan Group: Students of SD 3 Peliatan

Song lyric:
Ayo kawan, hidup bersih dan sehat!
Cuci tangan sebelum makan
Jajan yang sehat di kantin sekolah
Slalu buang sampah pada tempatnya

Ingat kawan, ingat, ingat semua!
Bersih sehat setiap saat
Jauhkan dirimu dari asap rokok
Katakan tidak pada rokok

Hai kawan! semua, dengarlah kami
Hai kawan! semua, ingat slalu Bersih dan Sehat


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I am grateful. Their performances went well with smile-jokes-laughter, so beautiful in their world!

Hopefully all messages conveyed through this works can be easily understood and implemented to be “Indonesian healthy, courteous, and smart children”.

Salam Anak Indonesia!