There was a Ngaben (Bali Hindu cremation ceremony) in our neighborhood, dedicated for I Nyoman Togog, a gamelan musician and a famous figure who popularized the Balinese fruit carving. His brother, I Ketut Tantra, had also passed away, so the cremation ceremony was held at the same time.

After going through a long preparation period, the ceremony can be held for several series, and we also played the gamelan as part of the ceremony ritual.

The first day, during the Ngwangun ceremony. Playing gamelan with Sekaa Angklung “Madu Swara”.
kadek ferry: Ugal & Gangsa
mayumi: Klenang

The second day, during the Upadesa ceremony with Sekaa Gong “Gurita Sari” Banjar Kalah Peliatan.
kadek ferry: Ugal & Gender Rambat

The next day during the Nyekah ceremony with Sekaa Angklung Semar Pegulingan “Bayun Sari”
kadek ferry: Ugal & Gangsa
mayumi: Calung