
mandara giri


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マンダラ・ギリ|Mandala Giri
Padang Tegal Kaja     地図
75,000 ルピア (data:JUL2019 )


楽曲 リアル・サマス
舞踊 カカン・カカン

歓迎の踊り。 歓迎の踊りの一種で、プスパ・メカルと書かれる事もありますが、発音はプシュパ・ムカールに近いです。 もともとは演奏曲として演奏されていたカカン・カカ… >> 詳細を読む

舞踊 バリス
Baris - Jenis Tari bali, kind of balinese dance

寺院で集団の男性によって奉納されるワリ舞踊の「バリス・グデ」をもとに作られた、一人で踊るバリス舞踊です。 男の子が最初に踊りを習うときは、この舞踊を基礎として勉… >> 詳細を読む

舞踊 レゴン・クラトン

題材をジャワの歴史物語マラット(Malat)から取った、有名なラッセム王とランケサリ王女の悲恋の物語。 ストーリー ある日、ラッセム王は自国の森を散策していまし… >> 詳細を読む

バロン・ダンス ルブダカ物語

There was once a nisada named Lubdaka,who lived with his family in the mountains.
His occupation was hunting various kinds of wild animals.
On the fourteenth day of the dark half of the seventh month he set out early in the morning to hunt.
He was unsuccessful, and sun set found him exhausted and far from home.
He was planning to pass the night there.
When the sun went down all nature seemes to lament.
The hunter climbed into a maja tree.
A terrible sleepiness now assailed him, and he was afraid he would go to sleep, fall from his place and be killed by a wild animal.
He therefore sought a means of staying awake:
he plucked the leaves of the maja tree and continually dropped them in the water.
But in the midst of the lake was a natural lingga of siwa, and this is where the leaves come to rest.
Because of his fear of falling he did not sleep the whole night through;
down now appeared in the sky.
Lubdaka, as he had performed the highest vow.
The reason why a mere hunter should come to siwa’s heaven was that in the adiyuga Siwa has taught the vow of the Night of Siwa, which has as a consequence that all one’s evil deeds are wiped away had one goes to Siwa’s heaven to enjoy supreme bliss.
And so Lubdaka would receive the reward, even through the observance was unintentional.

2025年 ウブド定期公演プログラム一覧表