I went to Amandari Resort last night to accompany my students to dance. How surprised I was. I saw a beautiful lady was standing in the front of the stage. This lady was my Legong dance teacher ( m teacher). How lovely, I was very happy to meet her again.

The Dance Spirit Flows from Teachers to Pupils

Back left: m (mayumi) with Ibu Sutarini.
Dancers from left: Yanti, Tiffani, Annika

That night she came along with her husband who danced the mask dance.

Ibu Sutarini taught dancing to Tiffani, the girl who on red costume and dancing today. And the two Legong dancers on green costumes were my students. They were dancing on the same style. My teacher Ibu Sutarini passed her dancing style to me and I pass it back to my students, the young generation.

To Ibu Sutarini:
“Because they are my students, It means that they are the second-generation disciple of Ibu Sutarini dance style!”

I haven’t seen Ibu Sutarini for a long time after she married and stayed in another village with her husband. Yesterday was a great chance. I was so happy to see her again.

The Dance Spirit Flows from Teachers to Pupils

Legong Lasem dance @Amandari Ubud
Performance: Dharma Jati

To my students:
“This beautiful lady was my teacher. You girls have inherited her dancing style. She is also cute, right?! When she was like on your ages she once became a dancer cover model of a gamelan music CD in Japan.”

My teacher is a kind of fierce persons. I though that she would give me her sharp comments after she watched the performance. But she gave me her nice smile and also to my students, and she said “suudaah!!”. “Sudah” means finish or completed.

Wow, I was very happy to hear that and get more confident to continue to teach Bali dances to the younger generation. I am so grateful of what I have been doing!

Thank you! Matur Suksma Ibu Sutarini!

The Dance Spirit Flows from Teachers to Pupils

Legong Lasem dance @Amandari Ubud
Performance: Dharma Jati