Grand Hyatt Balinese Dance
Sri Padma – Beautiful Dancers

Sri Padma performed in Japan???

This photograph was taken in the waiting room just before they performed at The Grand Hyatt Hotel, Nusa Dua, Bali, some time ago.

This performance was a request from Tetamian. They needed a big group of children dancers who would perform a welcome dance, then the children dancers from Sri Padma was asked to join in it.

Grand Hyatt Balinese Dance
Such a tour, enjoying every moments in the bus on the way to Nusa Dua

Number of children dancers who would perform were 15 dancers, consisted of 11 dancers from Sri Padma, two from ARMA, and two from Balerung. They all would dancing a Pendet dance.

They departed together from Banjar Kalah to Nusa Dua by a minibus.

Grand Hyatt Children Balinese Dance
Dancing in the front of guests from Japan

Many audiences. They seemed happy and entertained with this welcome dance. They tried to take photographs as many as they could in most every dance movements. All children dancers were becoming a little stars at that time.

Grand Hyatt Children Balinese Dance

On the other side, for the children, it was their first time visited five-star hotel. Their natural expressions, some of them were nervous, some said “it’s freezing air conditioning“, “toilet can flush its own“, “thick and soft carpet – when stepped so comfortable and happy to dance on it“, some others also said that they were entering ‘another world‘, hahaha. In addition they wanted to try the elevator to upper floor or down even there were only two floors just used the elevator, “can we?” horee! Smiles, laughter, cheerful. They were all looked so happy and enjoyed the day.

We would say thank you to all guests from HITACHI-KOUKI Japan of their appreciation and big applause to the performance. These made the children more confident.

For kadek ferry ( f ) and m (mayumi) that day was a busy day. Preparing and directing these children, as well as coordinating with the organizer committee from Japan. Well, Japanese staffs, the team works and coordination should be in Japanese ethics. Very tiring, but it was so wonderful and felt great when watching the children performance successful. Full of spirit and confidence.

Thank you all! Domo arigatōgozaimashita!
Cheers success for the children!


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