Drama Gong of SMK N 1 Mas
Pembinaan Drama Gong of SMK N 1 Mas

Listibya or the “Majelis Pertimbangan dan Pembinaan Kebudayaan” is an Advisory Council and Development of Culture of Bali. One of its principal task is to give advise and fostering to a range of Bali art performances. The Listibya Bali was formed in 1967 by the Governor Ida Bagus Mantra (Initiator of Bali Arts Festival PKB). At that time, besides doing the construction down into the villages, specifically the Listibya also fostering Bali dance group, gamelan group, or art club, who will perform on Bali Arts Festival (PKB).

Along with its increasing demand of performing arts in tourism industry, this Listibya is also very involved in it. Where they coaching to maintain the quality of dance and gamelan performance, with the publication of a plaque “Parama Patrem Budaya”. This Parama Patrem Budaya is a must requirement for a group who will do culture mission abroad.

Drama Gong of SMK N 1 Mas
Pembinaan Fragmen Tari

Listibya was also formed at the regency and district level. District of Ubud is the center of tourism in Gianyar, known as the city of arts. kadek ferry ( f ) is a member of the Ubud’s Listibya. He still in young age and has limited experience to become a member of Listibya, but he said that by actively joining in Listibya, he can also learn more about the culture, because this agency is comprised of many sub-fields of related cultures, such as literature, religion, dance, gamelan, painting, music, sculpture, and many more.

Pemeran Liku
Pemeran Liku – Drama Gong SMK 1 Mas

Within the last few months Listibya Ubud has visited several times and coaching. And that is currently undertaken is the training of the students high school of SMK 1 Mas who will be Ubud’s representative of Drama Gong Festival, a festival of classical Balinese Drama with Gamelan in Gianyar. The Drama teacher in this training are from the former senior artists of Famous Drama Gong in Bali.

Drama Gong of SMK N 1 Mas
Drama Gong of SMK N 1 Mas

Before performing at the competition, this Drama Gong Group of SMK N 1Mas will conduct several performances at the temples. On 22nd November at Pura Taman Limut Pengosekan and 28th November at Pura Dalem Sayan. The Performance Competition will be conducted on December 1st, 2012, at Pura Desa Mas, Mas village.

Drama Gong of SMK N 1 Mas
Pemeran Parekan – Drama Gong SMK N 1 Mas

This Youth Drama Festival activities is very good, and gives very positive impact on the preservation of Balinese language, which is now increasingly less desirable by Bali young generation.

I hope that they perform well, and the Balinese culture remains preserved.


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