Sekaa Gong Gurnita Sekar Sari (PKK Banjar Kalah)
(a social-based ladies gamelan group)

from a desire to ngayah (unpaid and non-commercial, fully dedicated to the society and to God) in some of the temples in Peliatan Village and its surroundings, and love of the arts of Bali, the mothers from Br. Kalah community form a gamelan group. The main purpose of this group providing gamelan accompaniment and dances of religious ceremonies in the Temple.
mayumi inouye ( m ) participate and as a player “gangsa”

Gurnita Sekar Sari PKK Br.Kalah
Oct 2011, Pura Desa Peliatan

our balinese gamelan group
May 2013, Pura Samuantiga Bedulu

In addition to Lelambatan instrumentals, also staged several dance and ilen-ilen, with the dancers of children from Banjar Kalah Community, in the spirit of ngayah, love, togetherness, toward to the belief and community.

tari pendet (wali/ sacred)
tari pendet
tari puspanjali
tari cili naya
tari nelayan
tari cendrawasih

Gurnita Sekar Sari PKK Br.Kalah
Apr 2010, Balai Br.Kalah

Gurnita Sekar Sari PKK Br.Kalah
Oct 2011, Pura Desa Peliatan

Gurnita Sekar Sari PKK Br.Kalah
Sep 2013, Pura Catur Bhuana Br.Kalah