The Tawur Agung Kesanga Ceremony (Nyepi 1934)
awur Agung Kesanga Ceremony (Nyepi 1934)

Tawur Agung Kesanga is a Hinduism spiritual ceremony which aims to purify, and cleansing the earth. This ceremony is held a day before the celebration of Balinese New Year Nyepi. Its on Tilem Kesanga, new moon of ninth month based on Balinese calendar.

This ceremony is followed by Pengrupukan, the purification of the home environments, Banjar, village, and so on, which is done by spreading offerings, flame torch, and sounding objects to make noise: drums, bells, ceng-ceng, etc., in order to control the Bhuta Kala – the evil spirit – so the next day the Nyepi celebration would take place peacefully.

The Tawur Agung Kesanga Ceremony (Nyepi 1934)
Tawur Agung Kesanga Ceremony (Nyepi 1934)

The Tawur Agung Kesanga ceremony is held at the main crossroad or central meeting point of four directions. Its called “Catus Pata” in Balinese. In our cillage it is located just in the front of Peliatan Palace.

The Tawur Agung Kesanga Ceremony (Nyepi 1934)
Tawur Agung Kesanga Ceremony (Nyepi 1934)

In our village, Peliatan village, this ceremony is normally handed over to each Banjar in turns, in which this year (Nyepi 1934) turned to Banjar Kalah.

The Tawur Agung Kesanga Ceremony (Nyepi 1934)
Sekaa Gong Gurnita Sari Br. Kalah

This ritual was going well. After we completed this ritual, many young people from all over the village came here and carried their Ogoh-Ogoh, a giant replica doll – symbol of evils (Bhuta Kala) and placed them around the area of ​​Catus Pata. Later in the evening or sandikala, from this point they started the Ogoh-Ogoh parade marched through over the village and end up to the grave and burned the Ogoh-Ogoh.

The Tawur Agung Kesanga Ceremony (Nyepi 1934)
Tawur Agung Kesanga Ceremony (Nyepi 1934)

The next day, on Nyepi day, the Hinduism hold the Catur Berata Penyepian.

Happy Balinese New Year (Nyepi Caka 1934) !


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